Manage Members with Mindbody Interface

Manage Members with Mindbody Interface

  • To add access:
    • Simply add the new "HybridAF" client index to the member to someone with a valid membership (Active not Alumni)
    • Wait a couple minutes and then in the Hybrid app under My Members they will show as active
    • The user gets a welcome email to download the app or the account activated app if they were already in the system but, not active anymore
  • To remove access:
    • Simply remove the new "HybridAF" client index from the member or set them to Alumni
    • Wait a couple minutes and then in the Hybrid app under My Members they will show under the inactive filter.

Note: If your coaches do not have an active membership they will be disabled because it shows them as an Alumni. Please either add with a membership or let know that you want their email address ignored by the interface.

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