Managing App Disable Schedules

Managing App Disable Schedules

To manage the App Disable Schedule do the following:

Click here for a full overview of the Schedule Management Feature.
  1. Login to the app as an admin
  2. Click My Gym
  3. Click Schedule
  4. Click App Disable

  5. App Disable Settings
    1. Allow Emergency Access - When Disabled
      1. This will allow members to access the door even during a disable window (Class Member or App Disabled via Schedule or Exception). This is considered a best practice to enable as it allows members the ability to still access the door and provides you a reason as to why they had to. For instance they left something in the gym and need to go back in to get it or they are injured and have called emergency services and want to buzz them in from where they are at in the facility.
    2. Send Push Notification on Emergency Access
      1. Gives you a notification if someone does an emergency access entry. This is separate from the standard access event notifications.
  6. App Disable Section
    1. Clicking any day will bring you to the manage mode for that day.
    2. Periods will display the timeframe the app is unavailable for normal users or "None - Full Access"
  7. Modifying a Period
    1. After clicking the day click Add Period to add a new unlock period
    2. To delete a period simply click the Red X
    3. Once all changes are made click Save Schedule

  8. Schedule Exceptions Section

    1. Clicking Disabled text will bring you to the manage mode for that event.

    2. Clicking Add Exception will allow you to create a new event.
    3. Type 
      1. Disabled = Will add a one off exception to when the app should be disabled for the users.
    4. Date = The date for the exception to occur
    5. Start/End Time = The time frame for the exception to occur.
    6. Save Exception = Saves and takes you back to the App Disable Overview
    7. Save / Add New = Saves and starts a new Schedule Exception
    8. Delete Exception = Deletes the current exception. 
    9. Note: If saving or modifying a current exception please give the system a couple minutes to process the change and send it down to your site.

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